Fun Facts About Flirting you need to know in 2022

Fun Facts About Flirting you need to know

Fun Facts About Flirting you need to know in 2022

Flirting is an art essential in dating and relationships. You need to be able to flirt to catch the attention of a potential mate; the skill also comes in handy when you are already in a relationship because it can help keep the attraction alive. If you want to know more about flirting, read on. Listed below are some fun facts amusing enough to be kept in mind.

Flirting is a worldwide activity that even animals partake in

Regardless of where a person is in the world, you can bet they know how to flirt. Whether the single woman is in urban New York or rural India, the flirting signs are the same: smiling, giggling, raising their eyebrows and looking away. Animals such as fishes, reptiles, and birds have their own ways of flirting too.

Flirting can be illegal

In certain places, one cannot flirt as freely as in other locations. For instance, an antiquated law in Little Rock, Arkansas prohibits playful banter, which is a flirting staple. The punishment is a 30-day jail sentence.

Flirting is good for health

Who would have thought that flirting can be good for you? According to some studies, people who engage in flirtation have more white blood cells, which is beneficial for overall health and immunity.

Flirting in the past required fans 

If you were a woman who lived during the Victorian era, you need to have a fan to flirt with. Fans were a prop needed for flirting because they helped send messages. A half-opened fan pressed to the lips means “You may kiss me,” while hiding the eyes behind an open fan implies “I love you.”

Flirting gestures can be confusing

Studies show that men often misinterpret friendly gestures as flirting ones. This is probably the reason guys often get in trouble.

Flirting has gone mobile

Gone were the days when flirting was solely a face-to-face activity. These days, it can be done through text or in cyberspace. Computers, laptops, and cellphones have replaced fans as necessary props for flirting.