Monetization Methods To Earn Money From Blog in 2022 {Worked for Me}

Monetization Methods to earn money from Blog

Monetization Methods To Earn Money From Blog in 2022 {Worked for Me}

There are a lot of monetization methods you can use for your blogs and the following are the ones that worked for me.

If you don't know how to create a blog then read my post here. If you already have a blog and you want to monetize it then read this full article and apply on your blog.

Monetization Methods Worked for Me:

Selling Advertising Space:

Selling advertising space is one of the very good options that worked for me. For this, I have created an “Advertise” page showing the different blocks available on my blog for advertising. I took a screenshot of one of the pages and edited it in the Microsoft Paint tool and drew boxes to show clearly the advertising blocks available on my blog. The following were the different blocks available on my blog.

  • One block of size 468X60 on the header
  • Two blocks of sizes 300X250 pixels above the post content
  • Three blocks of sizes 300X250 pixels on the right sidebar
  • The following are prices for the different blocks.
  • Header advertisement block of size 468X60 – $100
  • The two blocks of sizes 300X250 pixels above the post content – $150 for each block
  • The first two blocks of sizes 300X250 pixels on the right side bar – $150 each block
  • The third and the last block of size 300X250 pixels on the right side bar – $100

Even though the third advertising block is also of the same size as that of the other blocks on the right sidebar it is not visible immediately when you open a post. You have to scroll it a little down to see the third one. So I reduced the price for the third block.

After starting the new page I slowly started getting requests for buying the ad spaces. The first request I got was for the first ad block above the post content (300X250 pixels size). The advertiser wants to collect some leads through an ad on my site. Even though I mentioned the cost like $150 for that block he first offered me only $60 and said he wanted to see if it actually works for him and if it works he would increase the price. Since I didn’t have any income on the blog yet, I accepted the proposal. The ad started and it worked well for the advertiser. He got more leads than he thought. He increased the price to $100 next month and the next month he increased the price to $200. It continued till I sold the blog.

I used to get some other requests for the ad spaces. But sometimes the buyers wanted me to put the ads first on the ad spaces and stopped talking to me when I requested them for payment. It happened 3 or 4 times. But sometimes I used to get legitimate requests and once I get paid then the advertisers used to send the ads and I used to display them on my blog.

The first ad block above the post content is always filled on my blog and sometimes one more ad-block is filled. I used to get a constant income of $200 for the first ad-block and often an extra $150.

Selling my own products:

This is my second income stream. I used to sell some forex strategies on my site. I used to sell each strategy for $2. I set up PayPal buy now buttons on the blog to sell the products. If you want to know how you can set up PayPal buttons to sell anything on your site or blog, you can view my post “How to use PayPal buttons in your WordPress blog?”. There are simple PayPal buttons that anyone can set up and it’s very easy.

Every day around 1 to 3 strategies were used to be sold and I used to make around $100 per month from this.

This is my third monetization method. I used to get some requests using the contact form on my blog for creating some posts with a link to the other party’s site using specific keywords. I used to write my own posts with the keywords mentioned and linking them to the other site. There are two kinds of payments for this kind of monetization.

  • Onetime payment
  • Recurring payment

Some of the advertisers used to offer me to make a one-time payment of $100 or $125 and some other advertisers offer me a recurring payment of $25/Month or $40/Month. Even though the recurring payment is less than the one-time payment, I was more interested in the recurring payments as I can get income every month. I used to make around $50 to $100 with this monetization method.

Affiliate Marketing:

The final monetization method is affiliate marketing. I joined Clickbank for this and for the ad spaces which were not sold; I used to fill them with these affiliate products. I used to change the affiliate products each time to check which ones are performing well. I used to make money rarely with this monetization method.

So the above are the monetization methods that worked for me.

Monetization Methods That didn’t Work for Me:

I tried a hell of a lot of different other monetization methods like Pay Per Click programs, Pay Per Impression programs, etc., from different companies but they didn’t work for me. One of such companies was infolinks, which I tried on my blog but it didn’t work for me. Infolinks is one of the companies that many other bloggers think that it’s an alternative to Google Adsense and it’s very good but it didn’t work for me. Moreover, when I use Infolynks on my blog, I felt that it is making my blog complex with all the text links, pop-ups, etc. So I couldn’t use it on my blog for much time.

I tried Chitika also but it didn’t work for me. I couldn’t make any money from this.

I developed the blog when I was in the USA where I had a Google Adsense account approved for the blog. But after I moved to India, Google didn’t give me any option to transfer the existing account. Transferring existing accounts from the USA to India and some other countries is not allowed. I tried to apply for a new account but it was not approved here and later I came to know that it’s very rare for bloggers in India to get approved for Adsense. Otherwise, AdSense would have become my first monetization method.